I've Always Needed You

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Band Name Emmylou Harris
Album Name I've Always Needed You
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 2008
Musik GenreBlues Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen0


1. Walk Through This World with Me
2. Something Draws Me to You
3. When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold
4. I Take the Chance
5. I've Always Needed You
6. We Must Have Been Out of Our Minds
7. Gone, Gone, Gone
8. To Keep Your Memory Green
9. Under Your Spell Again
10. I'll Never Love Another
11. You Made a Memory of Me
12. Before I Met you
13. Dying on Sorrow's Wine
14. Best We Could Do
15. Nobody's Darlin' But Mine

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Emmylou Harris