The Geeks and the Jerkin' Socks

Liste der Bands Rock Fusion Shaka Ponk The Geeks and the Jerkin' Socks
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Band Name Shaka Ponk
Album Name The Geeks and the Jerkin' Socks
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 06 Juni 2011
Labels Tôt Ou Tard
Musik GenreRock Fusion
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen71


1. Let's Bang
2. I'm Picky
3. Brunette Localicious
4. I'm a Lady
5. Sex Ball
6. My Name Is Stain
7. Shiza Radio
8. Run Run Run
9. Dancing Dead
10. Reset After All
11. Old School Rocka (ft. Beat Assailant)
12. Palabra Mi Amor (ft. Bertrand Cantat)

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 $13.76  25,90 €  9,94 €  £39.69  $16.27  11,11 €  30,97 €
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Shaka Ponk