I'm Only Looking : the Best of

Band's List Rock INXS I'm Only Looking : the Best of
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Band Name INXS
Album Name I'm Only Looking : the Best of
Type Video
Released date 13 July 2004
Music StyleRock
Members owning this album0


1. Just Keep Walking
2. The One Thing
3. Don't Change
4. Original Sin
5. This Time
6. What You Need
7. Kiss the Dirt (Falling Down the Mountain)
8. Listen Like Thieves
9. Need You Tonight
10. Mediate
11. Devil Inside
12. Never Tear Us Apart
13. New Sensation
14. Mystify
15. Suicide Blonde
16. Disappear
17. Bitter Tears
18. By My Side
19. Shining Star
20. Not Enough Time
21. Taste It
22. Baby Don't Cry
23. Beautiful Girl
24. The Gift
25. Elegantly Wasted
1. Simple Simon
2. Original Sin
3. Listen Like Thieves
4. Kick
5. New Sensation
6. Need You Tonight
7. Mediate
8. Searching
9. Elegantly Wasted
10. Don't Change

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