Shakin' Up the Great Lakes

Band's List Rock'n'Roll Elvis Presley Shakin' Up the Great Lakes
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Band Name Elvis Presley
Album Name Shakin' Up the Great Lakes
Type Bootleg
Released date 1977
Labels Fort Baxter
Music StyleRock'n'Roll
Members owning this album0


Recorded live at Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 24/04/1977
1. Love Me
2. If You Love Me, Let Me Know
3. You Gave Me a Mountain
4. Trying to Get to You
5. O Sole Mio / It's Now or Never
6. ittle Sister
7. Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel
8. Help Me
9. My Way
10. Polk Salad Annie
11. Hurt
12. Hound Dog
13. Unchained Melody
14. Little Darlin'
15. Can't Help Falling in Love / Closing Vamp
Recorded live at Kalamazoo, MI,
USA, 26/04/1977
1. Love Me
2. Fairytale
3. If You Love Me, Let Me Know
4. You Gave Me a Mountain
5. Jailhouse Rock
6. O Sole Mio / It's Now or Never
7. Big Boss Man
8. Heartbreak Hotel
9. Blue Suede Shoes
10. And I Love You So (With False Start)
11. My Way
12. Hound Dog
13. Can't Help Falling in Love / Closing Vamp

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Elvis Presley