Elvis Presley : Your Time Hasn't Come Yet, Baby

Rock'n'Roll / Etats-Unis
(1968 - RCA Victor)
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Your time hasn't come yet baby
You got a lot of dreams to go
Your time hasn't come yet baby
But when it does your heart will know

You're gonna be a beautiful woman
Because you're such a beautiful child
And when you start to bloom
Just like a rose in June
I bet the schoolboys all go wild, but right now

Your time hasn't come yet baby
You got a few dreams to go
Your time hasn't come yet baby
When it does your heart will know

Your life's still a lollipop heaven
Your teddy bear's at the foot of your bed
The little boy next door who only makes you sore
Is gonna some day turn your head but right now

Your time hasn't come yet baby
You got a few dreams to go
Your time hasn't come yet baby
When it does your heart will know

You're gonna grow over night into a lady
With a devastatingly smile
And then a lucky guy will see you
And wanna walk you down the aisle, but meanwhile

Your time hasn't come yet baby
You got a few dreams to go
Your time hasn't come yet baby
When it does your heart will know
When it does your heart will know
When it does your heart will know


As you listen to the band
Don't you get a bubble?
As you listen to them play
Don't you get a glow?

If you step out on the floor
You'll forget your trouble
If you go into your dance
You'll forget your woe, so

Come, get together
Let the dance floor feel your leather
Step as lightly as a feather
Let yourself go

Come, hit the timber
Loosen up and start to limber
Can't you hear that hot marimba?
Let yourself go

Let yourself go, relax
And let yourself go, relax
You got yourself tied up in a knot
The night is cold but the music's hot, so

Come, cuddle closer
Don't you dare to answer "No, sir"
Butcher, banker, clerk and grocer
Let yourself go

Come, get together
Let the dance floor feel your leather
Step as lightly as a feather
Let yourself go

Come, hit the timber
Loosen up and start to limber
Can't you hear that hot marimba?
Let yourself go

Let yourself go, relax
And let yourself go, relax
You've got yourself tied up in a knot
The night is cold but the music's hot, so

Come, cuddle closer
Don't you dare to answer "No, sir"
Butcher, banker, clerk and grocer
Let yourself go
Let yourself go

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