Flipper : Gone Fishin'

Les paroles
1. The Lights The Sound The Rhythm The Noise
The lights
And the sound
And the rhythm
And the noise
Hit my body
Like a thousand dances
Everyone knows
Where nothing is something
And our lives flash
Before our very eyes
'Cause the lights
And the sound
And the rhythm
And the noise
Hit my body
Like a million years
Forever lost
Where the night meets day
And everyone thinks
That they know the proper way
2. First The Heart
Every time
It feels so good
Did you hear me?
Are you listening?
Ain't you listening?
Did you hear me?
From the barrel
To the trigger
Flesh and blood
I can see you
Somewhere smiling
First the heart
Next the brain
Did you hear me?
Are you listening?
Ain't you listening?
Did you hear me?
Hits outnumber
Ten to nine
A ravaged target
A ruby droplet
One still moment
Sick and silent
I can see you
Somewhere smiling
First the heart
Next the brain
Did you hear me?
Are you listening?
Ain't you listening?
Did you hear me?
A ravaged target
A trigger
3. In Life My Friends
In life my friends you pass along
You need not grieve when things go wrong
Sit down in peace and sing a song
Till all comes right
You've heard it said go do your best
Though life's sun sinks to the west
Tis better far to take a rest
Till all comes right
If you're troubled with some belief
Or feel the pangs of coming grief
The wind and waves bring relief
Till all comes right
Instead of climbing a craggy cliff
Or sailing in some dangerous skiff
Just lie and breathe with an easy whiff
Till all comes right
If things go rough and you're in a squeeze
Just hold your breath and take your ease
Do the very things you please
Till all comes right
Be not deceived by the toiler's thrift
Get what you can as nature's gift
Let all things take an easy drift
Till all comes right
Rewards all come in the present slice
So don't look for future paradise
Take heaven now is my advice
And you wil be right
Throw to the wind belief in hell
Or be called a fool or infidel
Bury your creed in an oyster shell
Then you are right
4. Survivors Of The Plague
We who survived the plague
We have nothing
We who survived the plague
We know nothing
We who survived the plague
We got nothing
Oh we have labored
We have toiled
Yes we cleared this land
That we farm
And now the nation
Whom we've fed
Looks upon us with scorn
And now the forest
The mighty forest
Shall return to conquer us all
Oh we are a mirror
A distant mirror
When you look at us you will see
All your dreams
All your hopes
Crushed upon the sea
Oh we have labored
We have toiled
We built our cities of stone
We have died
We did not fail
We built our cities of stone
Yes we built our prisons
With their bars
We built the churches and spires
We built our palaces
And government houses
We built these slums where we starve
Oh we are a mirror
A distant mirror
When you look at us you will see
All your dreams
Crushed upon the sea
Survivors of the plague
Survivors of the plague
5. Sacrifice
Can't you hear the war cry
It's time to enlist
The people speak as one
The cattle, the crowd
Those too afraid to live
Demand a sacrifice
A sacrifice
Can't you smell their stinking breath
Listen to them
Wheezing and gasping and
Chanting their slogans
The grave diggers song
Demanding a sacrifice
A sacrifice
Can't you smeel the fresh blood
Steaming into the soil
As our patriots
Fathers and mothers and lovers
Admire the military style
Praising God and state
Crying tears of pride
For the sons and lovers
For all the fools slaughtered
For the maimed, the dying
And the dead
So the nation will live
So the people will remain as cattle
They demand a sacrifice
A sacrifice
6. Talk's Cheap
Talk's cheap... uh huh
Talk's cheap... oh yeah
Everybody likes the sound of their own voices
Everybody's life is so dull
They spend their time living someone else's
Ain't it fun to socialize
Get together with some friends
And pass around some rumors
Talk's cheap... oh yeah
Ring ring call me on the telephone
Hello, did you know? Know what?
Guess who... and then
Well I never know, swear to God, I was there
It happened just like this; do tell... uh huh
Guess it makes you someone special
To be in on all the secrets and to tell them
Ain't it entertaining
Keeps your tongue in shape
I guess it passes the time you do it all day long
Talk's cheap!
You must think you're really sharp
The way you use your words like knives
7. You Nought Me
Sometimes I just don't know what to do
Constantly looking for something new
Life's a drag when you're bored all the time
Putzing around trying to find
Something to do to ease the pain
Waiting for something I can't explain
But they look at me
And they say
You're only bored when you're boring
You're only bored when you're boring
You're only bored when you're boring
But have you read the news today
Sometimes life is such a fun game
Other times it's just so plain
Expected to conjure up some new plan
Expected to be more than I am
They wait to see just what I do
But nothing sweet nothing is what I choose
So I look at them and say
You're so bored 'cause you're boring
You're so bored 'cause you're boring
You're so bored 'cause you're boring
And I'm happy with nothing
That's what I choose
I'm told it's just a phase I'm going through
I'm told that nothing is not so new
Well I know that I'm not so dumb
So you can go fuck or suck your thumb
Or take more drugs and play "on the run"
But I've got something better to do
So I look at myself and I say
I have nothing only nothing it's not so true
I have nothing sweet nothing how about you
I have nothing oh nothing nothing to do
But nothing is only nothing
And that's not so new
8. One By One
Each moment
Each road
Every wall
All prisons
Every bank
Shall cease to exist
One by one
The waves crash
Onto the rock
And the rock will fall
The rock will fall
paroles ajoutées par Blastodon - Modifier ces paroles