Elvis Presley : Rags to Riches

Rock'n'Roll / USA
(1971 - RCA Victor)
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I know I'd go from rags to riches
If you would only say you cared
And though my pockets may be empty
I'd be a millionaire

My clothes may still be torn and tattered
But in my heart I'd be a king
Your love is all that ever mattered
It's everything

So open your arms and you'll open the door
To all the treasure that I'm living for
Hold me and kiss me and tell me you're mine evermore

Must I forever stay a beggar
Whose golden dreams will not come true
Or will I go from rags to riches
My fate is up to you


The words of her promise
The flame of her faith
The love that would never drift away
Where did they go Lord, where did they go?

You know somehow forever
Slipped out of my hands
And my dreams ran away with the wind
Where did they go Lord, where did they go

You know sometimes I wish
I had lost her to another
Well but Lord she just walked off all alone
And the heart that's within me is not bitter just hurt
And bewildered because her love had gone

Oh the passion I trusted
The truth that I leaned on
And the hope that would forever keep me strong
I cry out my questions
Oh, the answers are all gone
Where did they go Lord, tell me where did they go
Where did they go Lord, tell me where did they go

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