Kutna Hora : Obsession, Faith, Perseverance

This is the time
Of the dead souls.
The day of wrath, that day
Which will reduce the world to ashes,
As foretold by David and the Sybil.
What terror there will be,
When the Lord will come
To judge all rigorously!
The trumpet, scattering a wonderous sound
Among the graves of all the lands,
Will assemble all before the Throne.
Death and Nature will be astounded
When they see a creature rise again
To answer to the Judge.
The book will be brought forth
In which all deeds are noted,
For which humanity will answer.
When the judge will be seated,
All that is hidden will appear,
And nothing will go unpunished.
Alas, what will I then say ?
To what advocate shall I appeal,
When even the just tremble ?
O king of redoutable majesty,
Who freely saves the elect,
Save me, o fount of piety!
Remember, merciful Jesus,
That I am the cause of your journey,
Do not lose me on that day.
You wearied yourself in finding me.
You have redeemed me through the cross.
Let not such great efforts be in vain.
O judge of vengeance, justly
Make a gift of your forgiveness
Before the day of reckoning.
I lament like a guilty one.
My faults cause me to blush,
I beg you, spare me.
You who have absolved Mary,
And have heard the thief's prayer,
Have also given me hope.
My prayers are not worthy,
But you, o Good One, please grant freely
That I do not burn in the eternal fire.
Give me a place among the sheep,
Separate me from the goats
By placing me at your right.
Having destroyed the accursed,
Condemned them to the fierce flames,
Count me among the blessed.
I prostrate myself, supplicating,
My heart in ashes, repentant;
Take good care of my last moment !
That tearful day,
When from the ashes shall rise again
Sinful man to be judged.
Therefore pardon him, o God.
Merciful Lord Jesus,
Give them rest.
And you know very well that it's not a surprise
This abyss is a natural place to hide
You know very well what it´s in your mind.
You´re into a deep hole full of dark
And you jump the wall without knowing what it´s behind
Oh my friend, this is the story of your miserable life.
Carved in stone it looks like
Carved in stone it seems like
Carved in the stone of your heart.
Everybody applauds you and everybody praises you
And they filled their mouths with the sweetest words
And your pockets with fleeting and precious sums.
And you believe you are in heaven
And you believe you earn heaven
You are simply carried away.
But you know that everything turns in circles
And everything comes back in circles
But you learn to look firmly.
Sometimes you feel all weight of the world
And you die many times as you born like a little bird
You must wake up and follow the sun.
And everything looks like falling
And everything looks like throwing down
And everything looks like falling over you.
And you know that everything falls in circles
And everything travels in circles
You should know the end of this joke.
Only you know the things you must to do
Leaving your fears under the care of dirty crowes
Get up you old bones and stay in the road.
And everything looks like falling
And everything looks like throwing down
And everything looks like falling over you.
But you know that everything turns in circles
And everything comes back in circles
But you learn to look firmly.
And if everything falls in circles
And everything travels in circles
And everything turns in circles
And everything comes back in circles
And everything falls in circles
And everything travels in circles
My friend, you should know the end of this joke.
What is this doubt in my heart ?
And why are my hands shivering ?
And why are they here?
And why am I here in front of them ?
Why has everybody become so blind ?
Why was my sight involved in clouds ?
If they have teached me,
I'm still in my path and they have quit ?
Why the grass has growed so much ?
And why they roar like lions ?
Why my terrible and deafening sound
Can't make them speachless and make them go away ?
Who wants a land of blood ?
Who can give life with death ?
Who wants eternity
With dirty hands ?
Because if I have conquered the dream
And left ignorance behind,
I cannot hold my fist tight
And the arch slips out of my hands ?
Why the grass has growed so much ?
And why they roar like lions ?
Why my terrible sound
Can't make them go away ?
"Cuando la inteligencia haya salido
Del espeso bosque de la ilusión,
Te volverás indiferente a todo lo que se ha oido,
Y a todo lo que habrá de oirse"
And I went, came back and went again
And I saw and closed my eyes again
And I lived with my conscience
Consuming my entrails.
(If I could ride my horses)
And I loved and forgot and loved again
And I searched around a place and around another place
And I knew and believed and stopped believing
And I finally knew no more
(If I could ride my horses)
And I left my dreams aside
With all the letters that I did not send
And all the "I love you" that I said
But I always ended up with the thorn stuck in my side
If I could ride my horses
And I lost and won and lost again
And I started a road and another again
And I looked and closed my eyes
And I continued falling and stood up
(If I could ride my horses)
And I wanted to try it again one more time
And I already knew the price I had to pay
And I knew and believed and I knew no more
And I ended up eating my own words
(If I could ride my horses)
And I wanted more and I wanted all
And I wanted all the pain in the world
And all the stars and moons and suns
But I always had my hands full of wind.
If I could ride my horses
If I could drive me . . .
And I slept with the shadows of the night
And I saw the white light at the end of the line
And I faced it and I turned my back on it
And I deceived and I deceived others
If I could ride my horses
And I learn to shut my heart
And I learn to not give everything if it's not given
And I lived without emotions
Without compassion and without shame
If I could ride my horses
But what I would give to revert what I did wrong
If it is not true that at that time it had its reason
At the end, what I get from everything
But not thinking about what would have been . . .
If I could ride my horses . . .
If I could ride my horses . . .
If I could ride my horses . . .
If I could ride my horses . . .
If I could ride my horses . . .
If I could drive me.
(No lyrics available)
Must I catch the sky tonight
When this strong wind blows ?
No more games, no smiles, no laughs,
No more left but hope.
We didn't know well where they were
When she called for us.
We left our toys alone at home
In the April snow.
We dreamt about cold fingers when the night came down.
How many times we woke in tears,
Dancing with the ashes from the past...
No one of us was prepared to break each other hearts.
And since that time we lived this way,
Dancing with the ashes from the past...
Farlands, have you seen my Farlands,
Farlands of my soul.
Farlands, can you see my Farlands,
Farlands of my heart.
(No lyrics available)
And here we are, lost in our labirynths,
Feeling all the pain we've caused.
We can see the breaking before us,
And we don't know how,
How we are lost in this empty road.
And so we live, waiting for a sunrise,
Waiting for a word that calms us.
We pretend that everything's alright,
But we don't know how,
How we are lost in this empty crowd.
Stay with me, and I will fly above you,
Come with me, that I'm waiting for you now . . .
And here we are, with our heads full of memories,
What have we done ? And why have we cried for ?
I believe that I could adore you,
But I don't know how,
How I'm lost in this empty world.
Stay with me (don't stay away from me),
And I will fly above you,
Come with me (dont stay away from me),
That I'm waiting for you now...
And here we are, and we are going to nowhere,
And what will we do with this two keys?
Stay with me (don't stay away from me),
And I will fly above you,
Come with me (dont stay away from me),
That I'm waiting for you now...
And I know that something still holds me,
But I don't know what it is,
Could it be you? Maybe,
If you could stay and come with me
Come with me
And we could fight against this world,
Could it be you? Maybe,
If you can stay and come with me.
10. Dies irae
Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla,
Teste david cum sybilla.
Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus.
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
Per sepulchra regionum,
Coget omnes ante thronum.
Mors stupebit et natura,
Cum resurget creatura,
Judicanti responsura.
Liber scriptus proferetur,
In quo totum continetur,
Unde mundus judicetur.
Judex ergo cum sedebit,
Quidquid latet apparebit,
Nil inultum remanebit.
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus ?
Quem patronum rogaturus,
Cum vix justus sit securus ?
Rex tremendae majestatis,
Qui salvandos salvas gratis,
Salva me, fons pietatis.
Recordare jesu pie,
Quod sum causa tuae viae,
Ne me perdas illa die.
Quaerens me sedisti lassus,
Redemisti crucem passus,
Tantus labor non sit cassus.
Juste judex ultionis,
Donum fac remissionis
Ante diem rationis.
Ingemisco tanquam reus,
Culpa rubet vultus meus,
Supplicanti parce, deus.
Qui mariam absolvisti,
Et latronem exaudisti,
Mihi quoque spem dedisti.
Preces meae non sunt dignae,
Sed tu, bonus, fac benigne,
Ne perenni cremer igne.
Inter oves locum praesta,
Et ab hoedis me sequestra,
Statuens in parte dextra.
Confutatis maledictis,
Flammis acribus addictis,
Voca me cum benedictis.
Oro supplex et acclinis,
Cor contritum quasi cinis,
Gere curam mei finis.
Lacrimosa dies illa,
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus -
Huic ergo parce, deus.
Pie jesu domine,
dona eis requiem.
11. HOLY
Strong and restless light in the uncertain road
Is it true what i see? Is it my unshakable soul ?
White heavenly light star, are you still in there ?
Don't leave me in this desolation,
This terrible thoughts are drowning me.
Give me the hope, give me the strenght,
Give me the reason to start again.
Give me the hope, give me the strenght,
Give me the reason to find a new day.
Eternal cold black pearl, omen of future times
So time push and run, drawing wrinkles in my mind.
Final blue black star, don't try to trick me,
'Cos life and death were, are and will be
The same over and over again.
Give me the hope, give me the strenght,
Give me the reason to start again.
Give me the hope, give me the strenght,
Give me the reason to find a new day.
Strong and restless light in the uncertain road
It is true what I see, it's my unshakable soul.
12. O.F.P. (español)
All is born to end up dying.
It doesn't matter that it takes a second or millions of years.
And then, it's just the remembering of someone,
A statue that will end up being broken into pieces.
As a never ending ton of blank pages,
And so many words and words and words for nothing.
The silence is more an excuse than a mysterious role,
There, where we built our walls.
So many ports that seduce me to arrive,
The ideas never finish forming.
It's the sensation to belong, to be part,
When the minimum stupidity is an act of heroes.
And the wheel still rules . . .
And although I fall a thousand times,
I'm always going to insist that the answer is there.
If after the bump i'll believe that all will be well,
And i'll continue walking with bandaged eyes.
The intuition is part of the method,
And the truth is no longer the end of the goal.
It is the very moment to say and to do,
But at the end let be carried by the tangent.
And the sun still shines...
This wind that blows implacable,
Carrying air of the time, from ever and never,
Strikes my frozen face and leaves me motionless...
Did you believe that I knew many things ?
Did you believe that all would be fantastic ?
Just continue lying and believing yourself,
¿Don't you see that it is not my mouth
But my eyes the ones that are talking?
Obsession faith perseverance
Obsession faith perseverance
Obsession faith perseverance
Obsession faith perseverance
Oh, my sweet love, I think we are so far away
From all we've ever dreamt about
Nobody can ever turn their back on us or hurts us again
Now that we start to be born from zero.
And what will we take? And where will we go ?
Have i to tell you how useless is to make these questions ?
I'm going to let you free, the moment has come
You must leave all behind and forget.
The pain is no longer a stranger, an invader
It is part of us now and it does not hurt.
And who will go with us? Who will wait for us?
Oh, it doesn't matter at this moment
There is nothing behind and there is nothing ahead
Just go, just go, just go...
Don't think that everything is going to be repeated
Because the heart learns forever...
Do you think that you did not find
The answers after all this?
But the answers are always inside of you
You must just learn how to see them.
And will someone go with us? And will someone wait for us ?
It doesn't matter at this moment
There is no one behind and there is no one ahead
Just go, just go, just go...
Just go, just go, just go...
Just go, just go, just go...
Just go, just go, just go...
No importa si nadie viene con vos
No importa si nadie te espera
No importa que camino tomes
Lo único que importa es que sigas.
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