F**K It We'll Do It Live

Liste der Bands Horror Punk Wednesday 13 F**K It We'll Do It Live
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Band Name Wednesday 13
Album Name F**K It We'll Do It Live
Type Live
Erscheinungsdatum 21 Oktober 2008
Labels Self Produced
Musik GenreHorror Punk
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen3


1. Gimmie Gimmie Bloodshed
2. I Want You... Dead
3. My Home Sweet Homicide
4. Not Another Teenage Anthem
5. From Here to the Hearse
6. Till Death Do Us Party
7. Skeletons
8. God Is a Lie
9. House by the Cemetery
10. Put Your Death Mask on
11. Happily Ever Cadaver
12. Runnin' Down a Dream
13. Look What the Bats Dragged in
14. Faith in the Devil
15. 197666
16. Rambo
17. Bad Things
18. I Love to Say Fuck

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Wednesday 13