My Mother's Hymn Book

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Band Name Johnny Cash
Album Name My Mother's Hymn Book
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 2004
Musik GenreCountry Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen4


1. Where We'll Never Grow Old
2. I Shall Not Be Moved
3. I Am a Pilgrim
4. Do Lord
5. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
6. If We Never Meet Again This Side of Heaven
7. I'll Fly Away
8. Where the Soul of Man Never Die
9. Let the Lower Lights Be Running
10. When He Reached Down
11. In the Sweet by and By
12. I'm Bound for the Promised Land
13. In the Garden
14. Softly and Tenderly
15. Just as I am

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 $7.00  11,38 €  6,68 €  £8.65  $9.77  7,92 €  7,89 €
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Johnny Cash