That's Right!

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Band Name Anti-Heros
Album Name That's Right!
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 1987
Musik GenreStreet Punk - Oi
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen2


1. The Anti-Heros Are Here
2. Disco Riot
3. You Can't Kill the Blues with a Gun
4. The Other Side
5. The Young Loner
6. The Herbert Moonstomp
7. Some Fun
8. He's a Skin
9. I'm Hungry
10. Choose
11. The Bomb
12. Porch Monkey
13. What's a Skin
14. Smash a Window

Dieses Alben kaufen

 $84.69  103,02 €  53,56 €  £85.82  $216.00  97,81 €  86,04 €
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