Live at the Bowl' 68

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Band Name The Doors
Album Name Live at the Bowl' 68
Type Live
Released date 2012
Labels Rhino Records
Music StylePsychedelic Rock
Members owning this album11


1. Intro / Show Start
2. When the Music Is Over
3. Alabama Song (Whisky Bar)
4. Back Door Man
5. Five to One
6. Back Door Man
7. The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat)
8. Hello I Love You
9. Moonlight Drive
10. Horse Latitudes
11. A Little Game
12. The Hill Dwellers
13. Spanish Caravan
14. Hey What Would You Guys Like to Hear?
15. Wake Up!
16. Light My Fire (Segue)
17. Light My Fire
18. The Unknown Soldier
19. The End (Segue)
20. The End

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The Doors