Sod 'Em & Begorrah!

Band's List Folk Punk Neck Sod 'Em & Begorrah!
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Band Name Neck
Album Name Sod 'Em & Begorrah!
Type Album
Released date 02 February 2004
Labels Self-Released
Music StyleFolk Punk
Members owning this album0


1. The Ferry Fare
2. I Turn My Face to the Four Winds
3. Every Day's St.Patrick's Day
4. Down Where the River Bends
5. May the Roads Rise with You
6. Disapora
7. Blue Skies Over Nenagh
8. Caoineadh/ Blood on the Streets
9. The Star of the Country Down
10. Always Upsettin' Somebody
11. The "Psycho-Ceilidh" Mayhem Set
12. I'll Take Me Back

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