Forum Billy Talent
Admin : Kivan
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Fans list of Billy Talent
You must be a membre of Spirit of Rock to join the fans of Billy Talent
13jimmy13 666Metalhead666 75424567876 ABR73
AbycoreX Adilh afrocookie3 Air_one
AkumuTsumi alexburnsred alexmusique33 AliceCooper69
anarchoskunk Angelic Angelius anka5612
AnnabelLee annette apodark Archange
arth38 Augi AuroreS ayumi
Bachme Bajicof Bani115 bassboy
BassKartoffel BayyBehh beetlejuice1312 BelieveforLife73
benn betty133 bidule bigboy
bigpogo BlackrosesBlues BlaKeMoreno boroshak

last message
2020-08-30 at 10h29
by RacheHallstrom