Flirtin' with the Whiskey Man - Live in Concert

Liste des groupes Rock Sudiste Molly Hatchet Flirtin' with the Whiskey Man - Live in Concert
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Nom du groupe Molly Hatchet
Nom de l'album Flirtin' with the Whiskey Man - Live in Concert
Type Live
Date de parution Août 2012
Style MusicalRock Sudiste
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Whiskey Man
2. Bounty Hunter
3. Gator Country / Dixie
4. Son of the South
5. Fall of the Peacemakers
6. Devil's Canyon
7. Get in the Game
8. Drum Solo by Shawn Beamer
9. Beatin' the Odds
10. Moonlight Dancing on the Bayou
11. Rainbow Bridge
12. Layla
13. Dreams I'll Never See
14. Flirtin' with Disaster

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Molly Hatchet