Rockin' My Life Away

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Nom du groupe Jerry Lee Lewis
Nom de l'album Rockin' My Life Away
Type Compilation
Date de parution 13 Janvier 2008
Style MusicalRock'n'Roll
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. Don't Let Go
2. Rita May
3. Everyday I Have To Cry
4. I Like It Like That
5. Number One Lovin' Man
6. Rockin' My Life Away
7. Who Will The Next Fool Be
8. Personality, (You've Got)
9. I Wish I Was Eighteen Again
10. Rockin' Little Angel
11. Good Time Charlie's Got The Blues
12. When Two Worlds Collide
13. Alabama Jubilee
14. Who Will Buy The Wine
15. Honky Tonk Stuff
16. Toot, Toot, Tootsie! (Good-bye)
17. Folsom Prison Blues
18. I'd Do It All Again
19. Thirty-Nine And Holding
20. Over The Rainbow

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Jerry Lee Lewis