Runnin' Riot Across the USA

Liste des groupes Punk-Rock Cock Sparrer Runnin' Riot Across the USA
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Nom du groupe Cock Sparrer
Nom de l'album Runnin' Riot Across the USA
Type Album
Date de parution 2000
Labels TKO Records
Style MusicalPunk-Rock
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. Riot Squad
2. Watch Your Back
3. Working
4. Teenage Heart
5. Argy Bargy
6. Run Away Johnny
7. Take 'Em All
8. A.U.
9. I Got Your Number
10. Because You're Young
11. We Love You
12. Secret Army
13. Where Are They Now?
14. Runnin' Riot
15. Sunday Stripper
16. Chip on Your Shoulder
17. England Belongs to Me
18. We're Coming Back
19. England Belongs to Me (Reprise)

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 $23.87  75,17 €  90,49 €  £40.04  $25.79  82,65 €  52,11 €
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Cock Sparrer