A Rock & Roll Clollection

Liste der Bands Rock'n'Roll Buddy Holly A Rock & Roll Clollection
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Band Name Buddy Holly
Album Name A Rock & Roll Clollection
Type Compilation
Erscheinungsdatum 1977
Labels MCA Records
Musik GenreRock'n'Roll
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen5


Vinyl 1
1. Rave on
2. Tell Me How
3. Peggy Sue Got Married
4. Slippin' and Slidin'
5. Oh Boy!
6. Not Fade Away
7. Bo Diddley
8. What to Do
9. Heartbeat
10. Well All Right
11. Words of Love
12. Love's Made a Fool of You
Vinyl 2
1. Reminiscing
2. Lonesome Tears
3. Listen to Me
4. Maybe Baby
5. Down the Line
6. That'll Be the Day
7. Peggy Sue
8. Brown-Eyed Handsome Man
9. You're So Square
10. Crying, Waiting, Hoping
11. Ready Teddy
12. It Doesn't Matter Anymore

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Buddy Holly