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Band Name Septic Death
Album Name Attention
Type Compilation
Erscheinungsdatum 1990
Labels Pusmort
Musik GenrePunkcore
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen2


1. Burial
2. Disinfect
3. Forest of the Megalomaniax
4. Quit
5. Dream Silent
6. Child
7. Terrorism
8. Thaw (Cold World)
9. Poison Mask
10. Hardware
11. Silence
12. The Evolution Garden
13. Unprotected Games
14. Change
15. Demon
16. Control
17. Sweat of a Nightmare
18. Core of Reality
19. Negative Threat
20. Never Trust
21. Mental cancer
22. Fear
23. Advantage
24. Gore Story
25. Kharma Khamatic

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Septic Death