Be Your Own Pet

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Band Name Be Your Own Pet
Album Name Be Your Own Pet
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 27 März 2006
Musik GenrePunk-Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen1


1. Thresher's Flail
2. Bunk, Trunk, Skunk
3. Bicycle Bicycle, You Are My Bicycle
4. Wildcat!
5. Adventure
6. Fuuuuun
7. Stairway to Heaven
8. Bog
9. Girls on TV
10. We Will Vacation, You Can Be My Parasol
11. Let's Get Sandy (Big Problem)
12. October, First Account
13. Love Your Shotgun
14. Fill My Pill
15. Ouch

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 $7.94  20,19 €  40,01 €  £15.00  $27.55  10,49 €  40,70 €
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Be Your Own Pet