Between My Head and the Sky

Liste der Bands Experimental Rock Yoko Ono Between My Head and the Sky
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Band Name Yoko Ono
Album Name Between My Head and the Sky
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 22 September 2009
Labels Chimera Music
Musik GenreExperimental Rock
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1. Waiting for the Train
2. The Sun Is Down! (Cornelius Mix)
3. Ask the Elephant!
4. Memory of Footsteps
5. Moving Mountains
6. Calling
7. Healing
8. Hashire, Hashire
9. Betwwen My Head and the Sky
10. Feel the Sand
11. Watching the Rain
12. Unun. to
13. I’m Going Away Smiling
14. Higa Noboru
15. I’m Alive

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Yoko Ono