Breaking Glass

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Band Name Hazel O'Connor
Album Name Breaking Glass
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 09 August 1980
Musik GenreNew-Wave
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen5


1. Writing on the Wall 03:20
2. Monsters in Disguise 03:22
3. Come into the Air 03:42
4. Big Brother 03:04
5. Who Needs It 03:09
6. Will You 04:49
7. Eighth Day 03:11
8. Top of the Wheel 03:15
9. Calls the Tune 03:00
10. Blackman 03:44
11. Give Me an Inch 03:08
12. If Only 04:15
Total Playing time 41:59

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Hazel O'Connor