Chocolate Synthesizer

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Band Name Boredoms
Album Name Chocolate Synthesizer
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 25 Juli 1994
Musik GenreExperimental Rock
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1. Acid Police
2. Chocolate Synthesizer
3. Synthesizer Guide Book on Fire
4. Shock City
5. Tomato Synthesizer
6. Anarchy in the Ukk
7. Mama Brain
8. Action Synthesizer Hero
9. Voredoms
10. B for Boredoms
11. Eedoms
12. Smoke 7
13. Turn Table Boredoms
14. I′m Not Synthesizer (Ypy?)
15. Now Dom Go Synthesizer Way (Why?)

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 $49.00  199,00 €  27,89 €  £26.95  $50.73  38,53 €  199,00 €
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