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Band Name Egg
Album Name Egg
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum März 1970
Labels Deram Records
Musik GenreProgressive Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen3


1. Bulb 0:09
2. While Growing My Hair 03:53
3. I Will Be Absorbed 05:10
4. Fugue in D Minor 02:46
5. They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano... 01:17
6. The Song of McGuillicudie the Pusillanimous (or Don't Worry James, Your Socks Are Hanging in the Coal Cellar With Thomas) 05:07
7. Boilk (1:00)
8. Symphony No 2 22:26
a) Movement 1 05:47
b) Movement 2 06:20
c) Blane 05:28
d) Movement 4 04:51
Total playing time 41:48

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