Jimmy Reed at the Carnegie Hall

Liste der Bands Blues Rock Jimmy Reed Jimmy Reed at the Carnegie Hall
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Band Name Jimmy Reed
Album Name Jimmy Reed at the Carnegie Hall
Type Live
Erscheinungsdatum 08 Januar 1961
Musik GenreBlues Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen0


1. Bright Lights, Big City
2. I'm Mr. Luck
3. Baby What's Wrong
4. Found Joy
5. Kind of Lonesome
6. Aw Shucks, Hush Your Mouth
7. Tell Me You Love Me
8. Blue Carnegie
9. I'm a Love You
10. Hold Me Close
11. Blue Blue Water
12. Baby, What You Want Me to Do
13. You Don't Have to Go
14. Hush Hush
15. Found Love
16. Honest I Do
17. You Got Me Dizzy
18. Big Boss Man
19. Take Out Some Insurance
20. Boogie in the Dark
21. Going to New York
22. Ain't That Lovin' You Baby
23. The Sun Is Shining

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Jimmy Reed