Judgement Day

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Band Name Balzac
Album Name Judgement Day
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 06 Oktober 2010
Labels kein bekanntes Label
Musik GenreHorror Punk
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1. K.A.K.U.S.E.I.
2. The Countdown to Death
3. PsychoManiac
4. Blackened
5. The Lies Behind It All
6. Sigh
7. Noize Of Space Vampira
8. Red Indian's Rock
9. K.A.K.U.S.E.I. II
10. Detest You
11. To Heaven
12. Dive
13. K.A.K.U.S.E.I. III
14. Judgement Day
15. I Cry Instead
16. Dark End

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