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Band Name The Pineapple Thief
Album Name Magnolia
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 15 September 2014
Labels Kscope
Musik GenreProgressive Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen5


1. Simple As That
2. Alone at Sea
3. Don't Tell Me
4. Magnolia
5. Seasons Past
6. Coming Home
7. The One You Left to Die
8. Breathe
9. From Me
10. Sense of Fear
11. A Loneliness
12. Bond
DISC 2 (Limited Edition)
1. The Fins Fan Me
2. The One You Left to Die (Acoustic Version))
3. Seasons Past (Acoustic Version))
4. Don't Tell Me (Acoustic Version)
5. Magnolia (Acoustic Version)
6. Steal This Life

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The Pineapple Thief