See You at Disneyland

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Band Name Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space
Album Name See You at Disneyland
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 2004
Musik GenrePsychobilly
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen0


1. Attack from Planet Transilvania
2. Space Invaders
3. Moonlight Sonata
4. Teardrops in Hell
5. Die Earthling Die
6. King of the Cannibals
7. Nightmare in a Damaged Brain
8. Monsters in the Closet
9. Frankenstein Created Women
10. Horray the Darkness
11. In the Morgue of Lucy Sanders
12. C#minor: the Suicide Waltz
13. Horrormovie Fan
14. Eaters of the Dead
15. Abra Cadaver
16. Who Will Survive?

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Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space