Seven Days in Sammystown

Liste der Bands New-Wave Wall of Voodoo Seven Days in Sammystown
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Band Name Wall of Voodoo
Album Name Seven Days in Sammystown
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 1985
Musik GenreNew-Wave
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen2


1. Far Side of Crazy
2. This Business of Love
3. Faded Love
4. Mona
5. Room With a View
6. Blackboard Sky
7. Big City
8. Dark as a Dungeon
9. Museums
10. Tragic Vaudeville
11. (Don't Spill My) Courage

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 $99.00  294,87 €  24,93 €  £15.00  $130.20  88,51 €  149,99 €
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Wall of Voodoo