Tales Out of Luck : Me and the Drummer

Liste der Bands Country Rock Willie Nelson Tales Out of Luck : Me and the Drummer
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Band Name Willie Nelson
Album Name Tales Out of Luck : Me and the Drummer
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 16 Oktober 2006
Musik GenreCountry Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen0


1. Me and the Drummer
2. Home Motel
3. Let My Mind Wander
4. I'd Rather You Didn't Love Me
5. Something to Think About
6. No Tomorrow in Sight
7. I'm So Ashamed
8. Moment Isn't Very Long
9. Rainy Day Blues
10. You Wouldn't Cross the Street to Say Goodbye
11. I Guess I've Come to Live Here in Your Eyes
12. Forgiving You Was Easy

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Willie Nelson