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Band Name Gary Numan
Album Name Telekon
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum September 1980
Musik GenreNew-Wave
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen4


Re-Issue in 1998 by Beggars Banquet with six bonustacks
1. This Wreckage
2. The Aircrash Bureau
3. Telekon
4. Remind Me to Smile
5. Sleep by Windows
6. We Are Glass (Bonustrack Re-Issue 1998))
7. I'm an Agent
8. I Dream of Wires
9. Remember I Was Vapour
10. Please Push No More
11. The Joy Circuit
Bonustracks (Re-Issue 1998)
12. I Die You Die (Alternate Version)
13. A Game Called Echo
14. Photograph
15. Down in the Park (Piano Version)
16. Trois Gymnopedies (First Movment)

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Gary Numan