The Essential Toto

Liste der Bands Pop Rock Toto The Essential Toto
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Band Name Toto
Album Name The Essential Toto
Type Compilation
Erscheinungsdatum 18 Juli 2011
Musik GenrePop Rock
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1. Rosanna
2. Stop Loving You
3. Hold The Line
4. Caught In The Balance
5. 99
6. The Other Side
7. I Won't Hold You Back
8. Africa
9. Don't Chain My Heart
10. Hearts
11. Waiting For Your Love
12. Make Believe
13. Goodbye Elenore
14. Home Of the Brave
15. How Does It Feel
16. The Road Goes On
1. I Will Remember
2. Georgy Porgy
3. Just Can't Get To You
4. Pamela
5. Baby He's Your Man
6. I'll Supply The Love
7. Holyanna
8. The Turning Point
9. If You Belong To Me
10. Can You Hear What I'm Saying
11. Slipped Away
12. Dave's Gone Skiing
13. Without Your Love
14. Stranger In Town
15. Till The End
16. I'll Be Over You

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