The Road to Escondido

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Band Name Eric Clapton
Album Name The Road to Escondido
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 07 November 2006
Labels WEA
Musik GenreBlues Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen25


1. Danger
2. Heads in Georgia
3. Missing Person
4. When This War Is Over
5. Sporting Life Blues
6. Dead End Road
7. It's Easy
8. Hard to Thrill
9. Anyway the Wind Blows
10. Three Little Girls
11. Don't Cry Sister
12. Last Will and Testament
13. Who Am I Telling You ?
14. Ride the River

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 $13.54  24,37 €  24,20 €  £16.72  $33.46  24,78 €  24,58 €
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Eric Clapton

JJ Cale