The White Pixel Ape (Smoking Isolate to Keep in Shape)

Liste der Bands Rock Fusion Shaka Ponk The White Pixel Ape (Smoking Isolate to Keep in Shape)
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Band Name Shaka Ponk
Album Name The White Pixel Ape (Smoking Isolate to Keep in Shape)
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 17 März 2014
Labels Tôt Ou Tard
Musik GenreRock Fusion
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen34


1. Lucky G1rl
2. Wanna Get Free
3. M0nkey on the Wall
4. Scarify
5. Black Listed
6. An Eloquent
7. W0tz Goin'ON
8. Story O' My LF
9. Gimme Guitarrrrra
10. Last Alone
11. Altered Native Soul
12. Heal Me Kill Me
13. 6xLove

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Shaka Ponk