Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland

Liste der Bands Progressive Rock Rush Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland
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Band Name Rush
Album Name Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland
Type Live
Erscheinungsdatum 15 April 2011
Musik GenreProgressive Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen5


1. The Spirit of Radio
2. Time Stand Still
3. Presto
4. Stick It Out
5. Workin' the Angels
6. Leave That Thing Alone
7. Faithless
8. Bu2b
9. Free Will
10. Marathon
11. Subdivisions
12. Tom Sawyer
13. Ref Barchetta
14. Yyz
15. Limelight
16. Camera Eye
17. Witch Hunt
18. Vital Signs
19. Caravan
20. Moto Perpetuo
21. O'Mally's Break
22. Closer to the Heart
23. 2112 Overture/the Temples of Syrinx
24. Far Cry
25. La Villa Strangiato
26. Working Men

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