Treat Me Bad

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Band Name Washington Dead Cats
Album Name Treat Me Bad
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum November 2003
Musik GenrePsychobilly
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1. Crazy When I Hear That Beat
2. Waikiki Bay (Johnny Don't Go Surfin')
3. Do the Titi Rock
4. Le Diable en Personne
5. Devil in High Heels
6. Mexican Wrestler
7. Devil's Claws
8. Number Six
9. Aloha from Ligres Beach
10. Do the Mambo
11. Juju (Wowwow)
12. Under the Coconut Trees
13. El Siñor Igor
14. Blue Surfin' Girl
15. Spiderman
16. Viva Las Vegas

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 $65.06  €16,70  24,96 €  £18.32  $ 63.65  74,67 €  48,82 €
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Washington Dead Cats