Wild and Wicked

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Band Name Shania Twain
Album Name Wild and Wicked
Type Compilation
Erscheinungsdatum 2004
Labels Planet Song
Musik GenreCountry Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen2


1. For the Love of Him
2. Bite My Lip
3. Wild and Wicked
4. Send It with Love
5. (Don't Gimme That) Once Over
6. Hate to Love
7. Luv Eyes
8. I Lost My Heart When I Found You
9. The Rhythm Made Me Do It
10. Two Hearts One Love
11. Half Breed
12. For the Love of Him

Dieses Alben kaufen

 $9.74  8,00 €  8,14 €  £10.52  $153.75  35,88 €  21,55 €
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Shania Twain