American Wank

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Band Name The Wankys
Album Name American Wank
Type Compilation
Released date 2009
Music StyleStreet Punk - Oi
Members owning this album0


1. Climb the Ladder of Power
2. Pissing It Down the Drain
3. I Got Vasectomy
4. H.A.T.E.
5. ABC I Love Noise Punk
6. Beer and Fuck
7. Ear Damage Noise
8. Hey Crusty......Have a Fucking Bath
9. Lost in France......and Drunk
10. Confused
11. Sausage, Egg, Chips and Beans
12. Fuck-Off
13. Vomit
14. Noise Disorder and Chaos
15. ABC I Love Noise Punk
16. Bullshit
17. Much Too Young
18. Just One Beer
19. C'mon and Feel the Terrible Noise
20. Bombs Away
21. Complete Disorder
22. No Control
23. Punk Rock Life
24. Motherfucker Liar
25. Escape
26. Finally She Got a New Dog
27. Nuclear Poison of Earth
28. Addicted to Punk
29. White Coats
30. Demon Drink
31. Meltdown of Planet Earth
32. Power at Any Cost
33. C.R.A.Z.E. Power
34. Shut the Window
35. I Love Jab

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The Wankys