Dust & the Dirt

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Band Name The Lilies and Sparrows
Album Name Dust & the Dirt
Type Album
Released date 27 August 2010
Labels Self-Released
Music StyleFolk Rock
Members owning this album1


Disc 1 (Dust)
1. Job
2. Don't Judge a Book By Its Scars
3. Glass Bottom Boat
4. Sweet Sixteen
5. Dist
6. Cause and Affect
7. Buck
8. Resolve
9. Oh Casket, My Casket!
10. Wake Up
11. Home
12. How Amazing
Disc 2 (The Dirt)
13. Job (Acoustic Version)
14. Dust (Acoustic Version)
15. Home (Acoustic Version)
16. Oh Casket, My Casket (Acoustic Version)
17. The Dirt
18. Scars

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The Lilies and Sparrows

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