Live at the Rainbow 1973

Band's List Glam Rock The Sweet Live at the Rainbow 1973
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Band Name The Sweet
Album Name Live at the Rainbow 1973
Type Live
Released date 20 October 1998
Labels BMG Records
Music StyleGlam Rock
Members owning this album2


1. Intro
2. Hell Raiser
3. Burning / Someone Else Will
4. Rock'n'Roll Disgrace
5. Wig Wam Bam
6. Need a Lot of Loving
7. Done Me Wrong Alright
8. You're Not Wrong for Loving Me
9. The Man With the Golden Arm
10. Little Willy
11. Teenage Rampage
12. Rock'n'Roll Medley
13. Ballroom Blitz
14. Blockbuster

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The Sweet