The Psychedelic Years 1966-1970

Band's List Psychedelic Rock The Pretty Things The Psychedelic Years 1966-1970
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Band Name The Pretty Things
Album Name The Psychedelic Years 1966-1970
Type Compilation
Released date October 2001
Labels Recall
Music StylePsychedelic Rock
Members owning this album1


1. Scene One
2. She Says Good Morning (live 1968)
3. Talkin' About the Good Times
4. L.S.D.
5. Old Man Going
6. My Time
7. S.F. Sorrow Is Born
8. Trust
9. October 26
10. There Will Never Be Another Day
11. Mr. Evasion
12. Death
13. Can't Stand the Pain
14. Journey, The
15. I See You
16. Well of Destiny
17. Alexander (live 1969)
1. Defecting Grey - (single version)
2. In The Square / The Letter / Rain
3. Walking Through My Dreams
4. Growing in My Mind
5. Baron Saturday
6. She's a Lover
7. Bright Lights of the City
8. Blue Serge Blues
9. Children
10. One Long Glance
11. Private Sorrow
12. Balloon Burning
13. Sun, The
14. Grass
15. What's the Use
16. Parachute
17. Loneliest Person

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The Pretty Things