The Very Best of The Adicts

Band's List Punk-Rock The Adicts The Very Best of The Adicts
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Band Name The Adicts
Album Name The Very Best of The Adicts
Type Compilation
Released date 1998
Music StylePunk-Rock
Members owning this album1


1. Easy Way Out
2. Straight Jacket
3. Viva la Revolution
4. Streamroller
5. Songs of Praise
6. England
7. Get Adicted
8. Chinese Takeaway
9. Joker in the Pack
10. How Sad
11. Let's Go
12. Bad Boy
13. Tokyo
14. The Odd Couple
15. Smart Alex
16. Troubadour
17. Runaway
18. Champ Elysées
19. Angel
20. Love Sucks

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The Adicts