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Biography : Catman Cohen

Catman Cohen is the mysterious, controversial, shadow musician and creator of the music trilogy, "The Catman Chronicles," a collection of songs that have themes related to life, death, and dreams. Described as Post-Decadence Rock, Cohen's songs spring from a foundation of social activism, primarily in calling for a resurrection of neglected heroes (e.g., nurses, paramedics, teachers, firemen, universal peace-keepers, environmentalists, human rights activists, animal rights activists, etc.); a plea for assistance to those without adequate food or health care; and a cry for urgent remedial efforts to preclude an imminent fresh water crisis.

In October, 2011, Catman Cohen provided a limited release of his 4th CD entitled, “Confessions of a Shadow,” featuring his new opening track, "Zero," (Hear full song at Jango.com) Then, in August, 2012, the CD received a digital wide release.

Very little is known about Catman Cohen. To date, his only publicity consists of shadow photos and his official bio excludes data such as birthdate, birthplace, and other personal details. He believes artists must step into the background in order that society can shift its spotlight onto various key vocations (especially nursing) that are in crisis. He turns down interviews, instead requesting that a list of social activist friends be considered in his place, stating that they have more urgent things to say about the world than anything he might offer.

Cohen's extremely deep, bullfrog singing voice has drawn comparisons to various artists, particularly Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, and Barry White. It is that strange unusual singing voice that forms the fulcrum within his CD's, featuring guest performances by she-males, Goths, Emos, Suicide Girls, Jewish rappers, and other atypical entertainers.

To date, Cohen has never performed live, and the sole performance video, Fluffle-O...based upon a hidden throwaway track on his first CD...revealed Cohen as nothing more than a silhouette behind a screen, playing piano in black gloves. Furthermore, to date, there has never been any absolute or categorical confirmation of Cohen's true identity, appearance, or background. In fact, in a recent interview, British rock artist, Francis Dunnery, renowned sideman for the legendary, Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), and a featured guest vocalist on "Confessions of a Shadow," stated, "I have no idea who Catman Cohen is and, as far as I know, nobody knows who Catman Cohen really is."

Source : artist website