A Gift from a Flower to a Garden

Liste des groupes Rock Psychédélique Donovan A Gift from a Flower to a Garden
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Nom du groupe Donovan
Nom de l'album A Gift from a Flower to a Garden
Type Album
Date de parution Décembre 1967
Style MusicalRock Psychédélique
Membres possèdant cet album1


1. Wear Your Love Like Heaven
2. Mad John's Escape
3. Skip-a-Long Sam
4. Sun
5. There Was a Time
6. Oh Gosh
7. Little Boy in Corduroy
8. Under the Greenwood Tree
9. Land of Doesn't Have to Be
10. Someone Singing
11. Song of the Naturalist's Wife
12. Enchanted Gypsy
13. Voyage into the Golden Screen
14. Isle of Islay
15. Mandolin Man and His Secret
16. Lay of the Last Tinker
17. Tinker and the Crab
18. Widow with Shawl (a Portrait)
19. Lullaby of Spring
20. Magpie
21. Starfish-on-the-Toast
22. Epistle to Derroll

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 $23.08  21,96 €  21,95 €  £34.86  $56.25  16,35 €  20,40 €
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