An Evening with Allman Brothers Band - First & Second Set

Liste des groupes Rock Sudiste The Allman Brothers Band An Evening with Allman Brothers Band - First & Second Set
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Nom du groupe The Allman Brothers Band
Nom de l'album An Evening with Allman Brothers Band - First & Second Set
Type Compilation
Date de parution 2004
Labels Fruit Gum
Style MusicalRock Sudiste
Membres possèdant cet album0


DISC 1 - FIRST SET (1992)
1. End of the Line
2. Blue Sky
3. Get on with Your Life
4. Southbound
5. Midnight Blues
6. Melissa
7. Nobody Knows
8. Dreams
9. Revival
DISC 2 - SECOND SET (1995)
1. Sailin' Cross the Devil Sea
2. You Don't Love Me
3. Soulshine
4. Back Where It All Begins
5. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed
6. The Same Thing
7. No One to Run With
8. Jessica

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The Allman Brothers Band