Best Of : Cockney Kids Are Innocent

Liste des groupes Punk-Rock Sham 69 Best Of : Cockney Kids Are Innocent
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Nom du groupe Sham 69
Nom de l'album Best Of : Cockney Kids Are Innocent
Type Compilation
Date de parution 15 Fevrier 2005
Style MusicalPunk-Rock
Membres possèdant cet album0


1. Hurry Up Harry
2. Angels with Dirty Faces
3. If the Kids Are United
4. Hersham Boys
5. Questions and Answers
6. Borstal Breakout
7. Tell Us the Truth
8. Family Life
9. Cockney Kids Are Innocent
10. That's Life
11. You're a Better Man That I
12. Money
13. Joey's on the Street
14. Tell the Children
15. Unite and Win
16. Poor Cow
17. The Game
18. What Have We Got
19. Hey Little Rich Boy
20. We Gotta Fight

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 $10.32  13,96 €  €8,50  £27.21  $77.23  30,07 €  buy
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Sham 69