Born into Trouble As the Sparks Fly Upward

Liste des groupes Post-Rock A Silver Mt. Zion Born into Trouble As the Sparks Fly Upward
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Nom du groupe A Silver Mt. Zion
Nom de l'album Born into Trouble As the Sparks Fly Upward
Type Album
Date de parution 08 Octobre 2001
Labels Constellation
Style MusicalPost-Rock
Membres possèdant cet album3


1. Sisters! Brothers! Small Boats of Fire Are Falling from the Sky!
2. This Gentle Hearts Like Shot Bird's Fallen
3. Built Then Burnt (Hurrah! Hurrah!)
4. Take These Hands and Throw the in the River
5. Could've Moved Mountains
6. Tho You Are Gone I Still Often Walk w/ You
7. C'mon Come on (Loose an Endless Longing)
8. The Triumph of Our Tired Eyes

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A Silver Mt. Zion