Demons Dance Alone

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Nom du groupe The Residents
Nom de l'album Demons Dance Alone
Type Album
Date de parution 2002
Style MusicalRock Expérimental
Membres possèdant cet album2


1. I. Tongue
2. Loss: Mr. Wonderful
3. Loss: The Weatherman
4. Loss: Ghost Child
5. Loss: Caring
6. Loss: Honey Bear
7. Loss: The Car Thief
8. Loss: Neediness
9. Denial: Thundering Skies
10. Denial: Mickey Macaroni
11. Denial: Betty's Body
12. Denial: My Brother Paul
13. Denial: Baja
14. Three Metaphors: The Beekeeper's Daughter
15. Three Metaphors: Wolverines
16. Three Metaphors: Make Me Moo
17. II. Demons Dance Alone

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The Residents