Journey Through the Past

Liste des groupes Rock Neil Young Journey Through the Past
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Nom du groupe Neil Young
Nom de l'album Journey Through the Past
Type Album
Date de parution Novembre 1972
Style MusicalRock
Membres possèdant cet album5


1. For What It's Worth / Mr Soul (Buffalo Springfield)
2. Rock & Roll Woman (Buffalo Springfield)
3. Find the Cost of Freedom (CSNY)
4. Ohio (CSNY)
5. Southern Man (CSNY)
6. Are You Ready for the Country ?
7. Let Me Call You Sweetheart (Segue)
8. Alabama
9. Words
10. Relativity Invitation (Dialogue)
11. Handel's Messiah (Tony & Susan Alamo Christian Foundation Orchestra & Chorus)
12. King of Kings (Tony & Susan Alamo Christian Foundation Orchestra & Chorus)
13. Soldier
14. Let's Go Away for Awhile (Beach Boys Cover)

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 $9.49  65,44 €  18,60 €  £63.64  $61.37  24,50 €  24,50 €
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Neil Young