Live from the Montreal International Jazz Festival

Liste des groupes Folk Rock Ben Harper Live from the Montreal International Jazz Festival
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Nom du groupe Ben Harper
Nom de l'album Live from the Montreal International Jazz Festival
Type Live
Date de parution 09 Mars 2010
Style MusicalFolk Rock
Membres possèdant cet album6


1. Faster Slower Disappear Come Around
2. Number with No Name
3. Shimmer & Shine
4. Lay There & Hate Me
5. Why Must You Always Dress in Black
6. Red House
7. Another Lonely Day
8. Keep It Together (So I Can Fall Apart)
9. Boots Like These
10. Under Pressure
11. Up to You Now
12. Faithfully Remain
13. Serve Your Soul
1. Faster Slower Disappear Come Around
2. Number with No Name
3. Shimmer & Shine
4. Lay There & Hate Me
5. Why Must You Always Dress in Black
6. Red House
7. Another Lonely Day
8. Skin Thin
9. Fly One Time
10. Keep It Together (So I Can Fall Apart)
11. Boots Like These
12. Under Pressure
13. Up to You Now
14. Faithfully Remain
15. Serve Your Soul

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Ben Harper